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Writers' Group

The Writers' Group is open to people who enjoy writing and those who think they might like to write. Some members write for a living, others enjoy doing it as a hobby. Writing styles and aims vary, from short stories, flash fiction, poetry and novels through to non-fiction, film scripts, magazine articles, social media posts and more. Discussing and sharing ideas is helpful and inspiring for everyone.


We meet for a couple of hours on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm, at the Lansdowne Hotel in Calne.

We organise meet ups via our Facebook page and are always keen to welcome new members so please feel free to join us! If you're not on Facebook please email us at Calne Wordfest to find out more and get involved. We look forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas!

Not Just Bacon: A Calne Wordfest Writers' Group Anthology 


Published August 2023


For many writers this is their first time seeing their words in print. 


A fantastic group effort we are all really proud of. 


You can get a copy from Calne Town Council or Calne Heritage Centre 


or through this link to Amazon

Not Just Bacon: A Calne Wordfest Writers' Group Anthology eBook : Wordfest, Calne: Kindle Store



Image by Marcos Paulo Prado
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